Should People Operations Recommend Health & Fitness Solutions by humanresourcesglobal

Should People Operations Recommend Health & Fitness Solutions?

Adulthood obesity and other health problems are skyrocketing across the world. Our activity levels have drastically decreased with the changes in technology that allow us to do our jobs from a chair, staring at a computer all day. It gets worse for remote workers who don’t have the option to walk or bike to the office, or don’t have much of a window to leave for lunch (unless they have a flexible work schedule, which Read more…

How To Be A Better Mentor by humanresourcesglobal

How To Be A Better Mentor

Maybe it was something you always wanted to do, or maybe you kind of fell into it accidentally, but first off, let me say “Hooray!” for you choosing to be a Career Mentor! Most people don’t set this as a goal, but if you did, your love of helping others and making it a priority will surely shine through. Oftentimes, people are watching that you may not have considered, and really like the work you Read more…

How HR Can Encourage Learning And Development by humanresourcesglobal

How HR Can Encourage Learning And Development

Sharpening tired skills and having employees focus on learning and development is a goal every company should have. An eager workforce, constantly looking for ways to better themselves, either through projects that stretch their brain power, or online courses, is one that stays happy, productive, and contributes greatly to projects and issues the company may be facing. Plus, it’s great for companies to keep an edge above competitors. However, the will to do it and Read more…

Purchasing A New HR System by humanresourcesglobal

Purchasing A New HR System?

There is a lot of software and platform options available for companies everywhere, ranging from niche departments to a “one stop shop” for the whole company. You have solutions that are specific for particular problems, and others that encompass multiple issues. When it comes to searching for the right HR system for your company, it can be downright overwhelming. To add confusion to the mix, they may throw an awful lot of technical jargon that Read more…

Dispute Resolution by humanresourcesglobal

Dispute Resolution

Whenever there is a conflict at work, many people choose not to act on resolving it, due to a variety of reasons. Maybe an employee feels there may be repercussions for speaking up about an issue, or they could be viewed as “difficult” or “a troublemaker”. They may fear the attraction of unwanted attention from their colleagues and management. On the other end of the spectrum, management may not take complaints seriously due to pressure Read more…

Considerations Of Short Term Business Travel by humanresourcesglobal

Considerations Of Short Term Business Travel

Congrats! You’ve done a major systemic overhaul, and you need to make sure all of your offices are on the same page. To help with this large outreach, the company has decided to send a few employees to help communicate and train other offices on these changes. It’s as easy as booking a plane ticket and sending them on their way, right? Not so fast. There are a whole host of things to be considered Read more…

Should You Allow Romantic Relationships In The Workplace by humanresourcesglobal

Should You Allow Romantic Relationships In The Workplace

We’ve all heard those stories: woman meets man at the workplace watercooler, man asks woman out, they get married and it’s happily ever after. I’m right there with you, “awww”-ing along. Those stories are heart-warming and are as cute as they get, however, they can also cause heartburn for HR professionals.  Romance in the workplace is great when it works out, however, what about the times they do not? It’s not unusual for office romances Read more…

What Is The Modern Workplace?

What Is The Modern Workplace?

Workforces are not what they looked like 15 or even 10 years ago. Many employees now work remotely from their homes, co-working spaces and even coffee shops.  Others operate from multiple offices over several cities.  Co-workers are frequently located in different cities or even countries.  These distributed teams are forcing us to update our way of thinking about communication and collaboration within the modern workplace. What is the modern workplace? The modern workplace is a Read more…

Be A Leader

Be A Leader In A Global Workforce

It’s very obvious that the way we work today is very different from 50, or even 30 years ago. Honestly, it feels like we can even narrow that down to 10 or 15 years ago, as well.  Technology has changed the way we work, and in many ways, it’s for the better. Where you work, and with whom, has now expanded beyond what we could have imagined. If you’re sitting in an office, only working Read more…

Harness Your Stress by humanresourcesglobal

Harness Your Stress to Improve Your Leadership

A small amount of stress can focus you and push you to perform at your highest and improve your leadership.  But if you let it get out of control, you risk burnout and serious health issues. While we know this intellectually, it is harder for us to manage our stress effectively. Finding the middle ground, a state where you can utilise stress to encourage your mental sharpness but not wear out the body and mind Read more…

Why Leaders Need To Sleep by humanresourcesglobal

Why Leaders Need Sleep To Succeed

You may already know that sleep is key to your productivity.  It is impossible to remain focused and, on your game, when you have had just one night of restless sleep.  But research is also showing it is essential for leaders to perform. It is well published that sleep can help maximise employee effectiveness.  However, it has been shown that team leaders lack of sleep can diminish perceived charisma in the eyes of their employees Read more…

Manage Overseas Postings

How To Manage Overseas Postings

The scarcity of qualified managers and specialise workers within an organisation has become a significant constraint of the speed at which multinational companies can expand their market and sales. Global companies now recognise that their human resources and intellectual investment is as significant as their financial assets when building a sustainable competitive edge.  This means it is more important than ever to get the right people into the right job. Companies new to the global Read more…