Since a performance management system is used to help the staff improve and develop their performance and also to address more creative long-term career goals and aspirations. This system is not likely to help employees enhance and improve their task-related performance if supervisors or managers do not have the necessary attitude and skills to help employees accomplish those goals.

Skills include being able to serve as mentors/coaches, to observe and document performance fairly and accurately, to give both positive and negative feedback correctly and to conduct constructive and useful performance review discussions.

A survey conducted by a reputable consulting firm found that in about 50% of the companies included in the research, managers are not slightly effective in guiding under-performing employees to improve their job performance.

  • Coaching is a collaborative, ongoing effort in which managers interact with his or her employees and takes an active role and interest in their performance. In general it involves motivating, directing and rewarding employee behavior.
  • Coaching is a day-to-day function that involves observing performance, complimenting good work without bias and helping the performers to correct, enhance and improve any performance that does not meet standards and expectations.
  • Coaching is not limited to current job, in fact it is a long term strategic approach concerning future goals and relevant performance.

Being a coach is thus similar to serving as a consultant for the workforce and for coaching to be successful, a coach must establish a worthy helping relationship.

Establishing this helping attitude is particularly more effective when the manager/supervisor and the subordinate do not share a similar cultural background, and this often is when implanting global performance management system or the case with expatriates.

Four basic guiding principles provide a specific framework for understanding and implementing successful coaching.

  1. A good coaching relationship is essential: For coaching to work, the relationship between the employee and the coach must be collaborative and trusting. The mutual trust of all stakeholders in the process is important also.
    • To achieve this target, first the coach must listen with the intent to understand. In other words, the coach must try to walk in the employee’s shoes and view the job and company from his or her perspective.
  2. The employee is the source and director of change: The coach must understand that the employees are the source of self-growth and change. After all the purpose of coaching is to change employee behavior and clarify a direction for what the employee will do differently in the job tasks.
    • This type of change is critical to implement if the employee is not in the drivers’ seat. Accordingly, the coach needs to facilitate the employee’s setting the goals, agenda and direction.
  3. The employee is unique and whole: The coach needs to understand that every employee is a uniquely talented individual with several job-related and un-related identities.
    • For example (IT specialist, father, artist) and a unique personal history. The coach can create a complete, whole and rich picture of the employee. It might be beneficial if the coach gathers the knowledge of the employee’s life so he/she can help the employee link his life and work experiences in meaningful ways.
  4. The coach is the facilitator of employee growth: A coach is responsible in directing the process and helping with the content but cannot take complete control of these issues.
    • The coach needs to adopt and maintain an attitude of exploration, help expand the employee’s awareness of strength, challenges, resources and also facilitating goal setting.
Categories: Coaching & Mentoring


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